serving our community in need

Work smarter at Solvere Services

A Canada-based managed service company

Welcome to Solvere Services

We're a Canada-based managed service company proud to support Licensed Insolvency Trustee firms in Canada.

Our home is in North York, Toronto, where we've been based since 2019.

We specialize in debt management and offer clients our expertise in areas including customer service, marketing, quality, compliance, finance, and legal services.

We have a dynamic and enthusiastic team of over 90 people happily working with us currently, and we’re always seeking fresh talent to join our team.

Creating a positive work environment

We're committed to providing a positive working environment for our entire team. Our approach to achieving that goal is based on the following principles:

1. Prioritizing onboarding and training
2. Conducting regular check-ins
3. Encouraging collaboration and communication
4. Developing a strong workplace culture
5. Facilitating opportunities for learning

Working smarter

At Solvere Services, we have a clear strategy that allows us to prioritize our most important activities. Our team ends each day feeling satisfied rather than overwhelmed, overcommitted, frustrated, or overworked.

An open door policy helps our staff feel they can approach anyone at any level for help, to address issues, or discuss how we can improve on something...

At the cutting edge of technology

We invest in our people at Solvere, and are always looking to improve our processes through feedback from our staff.

We are constantly innovating and developing new ways to deliver a better employee experience, using industry-leading technology to make our teams’ lives easier.

Work hard, play hard

We don't just work at Solvere Services, we have fun at the same time. Benefits of working with us include:

• Music on the floor
• Staff wellness
• Pension scheme
• State of the art office
• Parties and off-site events


What our employees say about us..